Nicholas Lopez-Galvez, PhD, MPH

School of Public Health, College of Health and Human Services


Dr. Nicolas Lopez-Galvez is an incoming Assistant Professor in the School of Public Health at San Diego State University (SDSU). He received his Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), his Masters in Public Health in Environmental Health and Masters of Arts in Latin American Studies at SDSU. Dr. Lopez-Galvez obtained his PhD from the University of Arizona in Environmental Health.

His research focuses on evaluating environmental carcinogens among underserved and vulnerable populations such as migrant farm workers, children, and those who live near the U.S.-Mexico border region. He is motivated to join FUERTE and continue to grow as an independent researcher working alongside with other faculty and students at SDSU/SDSU-IV.

Learn more about Dr. Lopez-Galvez's work:


Read about Dr. Aceve's BienESTAR initiative, centered around mitigating health disparities among populations in the Mexico-US border region.